Saturday, October 1, 2011

JP Walker


  1. Let the games begin!

  2. This means war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Except that the shot JP posted of Bode to "make fun of him" is from a trick gnarlier than anything JP's done in years... #pleaseletmestayrelevant

  4. Sounds to me like you can dish it but you cant take it. I thought the "your-heads-up-your-own-ass-to-scorpion-double-thigh-grab-desperate-for-attention-flip" comment was the just as funny as harsh Zeach.You have to just laugh at your style sometimes, or maybe all the time?

  5. how dare you post a picture of JP doing a Zeach. He is the fucking king of the entire fucking world. He is going to pull out a nine and shoot you in the fucking head now. cause hes a gangster wit it

  6. He is going to pull out a "nine" inch squirt gun you mean. Please tell him to stop trying to fly every time he touches a rail.

  7. jp is like an infant that wants to be held he always has his arms in the air. lets face it jps stye is horrible. his style never progressed from the 2003-2006 era of snowboarding. he is a bitter old man who is obviously jealous that the young guns(which bode is one of) are better than him now. jp your style is so bad most rail riders now will just hit the fast foward button when they see your name sorry the truth hurts

  8. JP should be proud to be featured on HZ - only thing I've seen recently outside of his own self-serve site - yeah, fuck outta here...
